佳茗就如美酒,一樣都值得大家花時間去品嚐,去學習,去和朋友分享。而茶創樂成立茶藝推廣中心不單旨在推廣茶的文化,鼓勵及推動香港人接觸茶藝,同時希望大眾了解不同茶種的特色後,慢慢習慣把茶帶到生活當中。透過舉辦不同的課程和茶藝班, 將茶的知識灌輸予參加者,除了給予大眾初次接觸好茶的機會發現茶之樂之餘, 亦能令本來對茶有興趣的人多一個渠道吸收知識,更深的發現茶之美。「下馬逢佳客,攜壺傍小池」以好茶會好友,從古至今都是一件快樂的事,亦是茶創樂想推廣的事。

Fine tea is like fine wine, both are worth taking the time to savor, to learn about, and to share with friends.The establishment of the Tea Promotion Center by ZeroToOne not only aims to promote tea culture, but also encourages and promotes the exposure of Hong Kongers to tea art. At the same time, we hope that the public can gradually integrate tea into their lives after understanding the characteristics of different types of tea.

Through various courses, we hope to instill tea knowledge into participants. Not only does it provide the public with the opportunity to first come into contact with good tea and discover the joy of tea, but it also provides those who are interested in tea with another channel to absorb knowledge and further discover the beauty of tea.
It means "Meeting good friends on the road, carrying a teapot by a small pond."
Meeting good friends with good tea has always been a joyful thing from ancient times to the present, and it is also what ZeroToOne wants to promote.

Address 地址 :
Unit B2-6C, Xiqu Centre, No.88 Austin Road West, West Kowloon Cultural District, Kowloon, HK