
In 2016, we started our tea brand from scratch because we love tea. Initially we would like to source the best tea from farms all around the world. Soon we found out that we can only guarantee the quality if we are the one who produce the tea.

2017年,我們的小紅柑普洱禮盒榮獲香港智營設計大賞2017 - -企業宣傳禮品(銀獎)。這給了我們繼續這由零到一的旅程十分大的信心。

幸運地,Zero To One茶創樂受到世界各地許多顧客的喜愛。我們有幸參加不同城市的各種貿易展覽的機會,並以作為香港茶葉品牌的身份宣傳。

In 2017, our Tangerine pu’er gift box won the Hong Kong Smart Design Award 2017 - Corporate (Silver) award. This gave us huge confidence to continue this from zero to one journey.

Luckily enough, Zero To One tea is loved by many customers all around the world. We had the chance to join various trade shows in different cities promoting our tea as a Hong Kong brand.


We welcome retail stores from all around the world to join our distribution program. You Sell our delicious tea products in your shop and share the joy with your customers.


We produce tea corporate gifts for enterprises. Please feel free to contact us if you wish to offer your clients a unique little gift, or wish to offer a different kind of tea at a reception/banquet.


You can add our delicious tea to your restaurant menu. From the beverage bar in the hotel room to the tea served in beverage stalls, we can provide you with excellent quality tea, and guarantee that it is all natural.